Golfer's Paradise

This blog is designed to provide golf news from all areas.. amateur, professional, male and female. To be honest whatever I come across as well as providing some tips and opinions on certain issues which may arise. I'll just wait and see really. I will tell you though that it will only get better so I would advise you to become an avid reader now so as you don't have any regrets in the future!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006


The game I love and i'm sure you also love is unbelievably frustrating. No matter how well you have played you are never fully satisfied with your round. It is also frustrating in that it is so unpredictable. Playing well the day before or hitting the ball well on the driving range are no guarantees that you will play well in your next round. Take today for example I had been hitting the ball well on the range and then when playing in the medal I just seemed to make bogey after bogey and thus my score added up.

I just thought I would share my frustration with you and let you know that there are other's out there suffering with you. Anyway lets keep trying to play that perfect round of golf.

Keep Swinging


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